That is always such an exciting place to be, isn't it? Whatever it might be of. The verge of a coaster hill, maybe. You've waited in line for hours under the beating sun (and you have your newly formed sock tan to show for it) with only a few seconds from the small, hand held fan being circulated among your friends as relief. Finally, you walk through the gate and clamber quickly into the warm seat. Up the hill you go. Up, up, up. Up some more. And then, for one second, you're there. At the top. The verge.
The verge of a grand story, the final moments of the blinking cursor on a blank screen.
The verge of an adventure. The verge of transformation. The verge of a breakthrough.
Our lives are about to be flipped outside down. Nothing will ever be the same. A new passion, a new reason, a new purpose. A new joy, a new power, a new fire- a truly consuming, blazing, scorching, unquenchable flame in our hearts. A renewed mind, a second chance. A broken chain, a louder song. A bigger love, a truer peace.
Here we are. Get ready.