Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Keep in touch!"

Put positively, I am exciting. I have traveled a lot. I'm constantly on the move, gallivanting all around-- from city to country to town. I have met a lot of people, made a lot of friends, and taken a lot of photos as evidence. And, let's face it. I have over 1,000 friends on facebook.

Put negatively, I have had to say a lot of good-byes. I have left a lot of people behind, I have witnessed the slow deterioration of many friendships, and I always at any moment, can say that I am deeply missing someone. 

But listen.

I love my travels. I love packing my bag, as I excitedly text (or inform via the facebook wall feature), the relevant people that I will be visiting! "Hooray!" they always respond. "How long are you here for? When are you free? What's your schedule like? Do you like spicy foods?" 

And for one beautiful weekend, week, or month, I get to enjoy those friends and terrific family members. 

But then, the worst part comes. Always. No matter what. A messy collision of tears, snot, sad embraces, stifled sniffles, and red cheeks is the inevitable grand finale of every vacation. What follows is the sad, sad, sad dialogue between people(s) I love and yours truly. This is a symphony of choked up goodbyes, pleas to please keep in touch, and promises of remaining close friends even though we'll be separated by miles and continents and years.

Only a couple of days ago, I had a really great phone chat with a friend who I went to college with (by the way, if there was ever a line I could say that would make me feel post-grad old, that was it), and we were thrilled to discover that the quality of our conversations didn't seem to suffer too much from our live-to-phone transition. I was walking in my small, quiet South Lyon subdivision, and he was wandering the busy streets of New York City. Talk about bridging the gap, eh. It felt wonderful to be able to "catch up" with my friend, but at the end of the hour-long phone call, we both hung up, left to wonder about how long it would be until the next time, and whether we'd meet in his city or mine. (I hope it's his!)

As of late, I've been thinking about this very thing-- the attempts of keeping in touch. What does it entail? How do you accomplish it? What equates successful keeping in touch? Snail mail? E-mails? Phone calls? How often?

I wonder a lot these days about whether or not I am someone who's good at keeping in touch. Who are my best friends? Can they be people who I don't see on a regular basis? How many friends can I keep? Why can't we all just be together always? Preferably living in the same cul-de-sac.

Blogosphere, the entirety of this post can be summed up with the following: please write me a letter, because I probably miss you.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Zheng

Congratulations to the happy, amazing couple!

"wooooo! yesss!"

I cannot believe how happy I am for these two. Solomon and Kristin are two of my very favourite people, and I am so excited to see how their "journey towards marriage" is now becoming the journey of marriage.

Their faith inspires me, and I can say nothing less for anyone else who knows them. My prayer for them is that everyday they will help each other to understand more and more the love and grace that God has for the both of them by demonstrating that very same love and grace to one another.

God bless bless bless you, Solo & Kristin!

All my very best love,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

109: Notes on Camp

This is almost getting out of hand.

The morning following my previous blog post about Chandos, I received an e-mail from a dear friend. The subject line read: Notes on Camp.

The e-mail reads:
I was trolling through "This American Life" and listened to this, thought of you, and thought you would like it, you Canadian camper. The finale is especially good. 

This American Life 109: Notes on Camp

and the fact that it ends with Hanson's mmbop is fantastic.

I just thought I'd re-blog and share this little gem. For those of you who have never been to summer camp but have had to hear about their friends who have been to camp talk incessantly about camp, may this shed some light and offer valuable insight into the crazed minds of proud "I <3 Camp" t-shirt wearers.

And also, for those of you who do understand camp or are uninterested in the matter, worry not. This link is for you, too. "This American Life" is fantastic! If you like things that are funny, dramatic, surprising, true (and witty!), you'll enjoy the stories. And Ira Glass.

Happy listening!

- bcl.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Dear Chandos & family,

I miss you more than any words, even all the ones that I know, can say. I mean that in the most honest, non-dramatic way possible. I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I mean, I remember you always; but I'm really missing you these days.

For just one more day, I want to be standing next to the flag pole with you on top of the hill, watching little kids get pwned by Beau and Spam on the soccer field. Just for one more day, I want to be playing keys and thigh-slapping with you on the stage in the musty ever-shrinking barn in which sheet music dampens and sags over the edge of the stand within minutes. For just one more day, I want to be dousing Cherry Grove in pine sol, hanging streamers in the staff lounge, and mopping the shower houses (even mopping the shower houses!). For just one more night, I want to beat you up in the grandmother skit in front of a campfire, and watch Genovia speak gayly in the director skit. Just for tonight, I want to be discovering the big dipper as we slip past the "beach closed" sign and lay down on the cold, rocking dock. I want to take one more picture with Ducky. I want to go sailing with him, too. I want a creamsicle from the tuck shop, and one more handful of no name cheese puffs while sitting on the kitchen counter.

I'm back in Toronto right now, and have been trying to meet up with some of my bests. (I wish that we were all a little less busy so that we could all get together at once and go on a canoe trip and make our own fires and poop in the woods and sleep under stars or something, but I miss everyone enough that I'll make the extra effort). It has been so good to see everyone, but it only makes me miss this more.

More importantly, however, is that after catching up with some of the camp fam, I'm only more certain that we should probably all live in a cul-de-sac together once we're all married (Pepps, Peaches, & Jet (almost!), you'll have to wait for the rest of us to catch up, ha).

If you are unconvinced, scroll on down.

I'm telling ya..

A cul-de-sac.

That is all.

See you soon.



Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012


My current laptop (which is my second one ever) is about to explode.


The (OS) C:// drive is so full that my laptop has started to lock up its programs.

I guess I can't complain, really. I paid $400 for my current cherry red Dell Inspiron 14z before junior year of college, following a tragic and unexpected death of my very first laptop (RIP, 1430). I shelled out the $400, promising myself that I would be pleased if this little guy could last me through college. Which it has, if but just barely.

I guess it's time to start looking for a new laptop again.

This does not excite me.

Blogosphere, this is stressful! All I really want from a laptop is for it to be solid, thin/light, affordable, good-looking, have high-speed performance, have unlimited memory space (I shake my fist at you, 14z!) and for it to last forever.

I made a list of all the laptop brands I could think of, knowing that there were plenty that I missed, but didn't bother to look up. Then I started to cross them out. I have chosen the process of elimination as my weapon of choice.

I have crossed out two so far:

Apple (not affordable)
Dell (don't last forever)
Samsung (do they make laptops?)


Let me know if you have any good suggestions.

I want my next laptop to elicit a celebration from me:
