Monday, December 30, 2013

Merry Christmas!

11:00 Wake up

11:15 Began Christmas playlist

11:30 Tea + Panettone breakfast with the Leungs, brother, and Joses

12:30 Open presents

13:00 Finish watching "Prisoners" (2013)

13:55 Spend some time with my Moleskine

13:57 Marvel at the goodness that is Josh Groban's "Noel" album

14:45 Reading "A Voice in the Wind"

16:15 Christmas nap

17:00 Sent Felix text message that read: "Where are you, bongbong?"

17:04 Felix: "Peeling shrimps at 4s place"

17:30 Put spinach squares into oven

17:40 Opened more presents

18:00 Errbody at Auntie Amy & Uncle Stephen's!

18:01 Everything is classic

19:00 Santa hat photos

19:30 Dinnerrrrrr

20:30 "Let's go to the basement!"

20:35 Play team charades

20:50 Aaron Li guesses "Corn. Cornchickencorn!"

20:55 Nathan accidentally closes game on phone

20:55.2 Rosalind yells out, "Nay Nay!"

21:15 Chris falls to ground

21:16 Vicky couldn't guess "deadwood" from that

21:30 Ryan returns to basement with a new plate of dinner

22:00 Christmas log & Pomegranate cake

22:15 Auntie Kat tells Gene + Nay Nay to pose for a picture; Ryan yells out, "KISS!"

22:30 Watch 2001 "hot-wired, white-knuckle thriller" Joy Ride, starring Paul Walker, Stephen Zahn, + bra-less girl, LeeLee

23:30 Steve Zahn makes excellent scared face

23:35 Steve Zahn hits on all girls in movie

23:36 Chris says "Aaron Li, you are exactly like this guy in every way!"

00:45 Late night chat with brother + Auntie Amy

Merry Christmas, world. Happy Birthday, Jesus <3

- bcl.