Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The mug warmer

I don't really understand how it is decided what is cool. Like, piercing your ears and getting fringe bangs is cool, but wearing a fanny pack and using a mug warmer is not.

Recently, as I was packing to move, I was digging around the kitchen looking for cool mugs and tumblers to take with me when I suddenly came across a mug warmer. I kind of scoffed at it, put it back in its drawer, and then continued rummaging. But then I thought about it some more. These two things I know to be true about me: 1) I am almost obsessed with hot beverages, and 2) I am one of the slowest drinkers of all my social circles combined. Which sucks, because I never get to finish a hot beverage. I usually get the steamy mug placed into my hands, happy as a bee, and that first sip is like THIS IS THE BEST every single time. But three sips in, and I'm like ice inside. You know what might fix this tragedy? Oh. Yes. An effing mug warmer.

I sneakily put the mug warmer into my boxes.

This morning, I was sitting at my table, enjoying my breakfast of ginger snap cookies and coffee when I decided to try my mug warmer. It changed everything.

But it also got me thinking about why mug warmers weren't more "in"/trendy/hip/awesome. I mean, man, if everyone who drinks hot drinks bought one of these $3 hot plates, everyone would always have hot hot drinks.

Alas, dear blogosphere, I have come to the conclusion that the culprit this time is again, our people's preoccupation with appearances.

Let's take the aforementioned examples: ear piercings = cool. Fanny packs = uncool. Fringe bangs = cool. Mug warmers = uncool. You know that. I know that. Everybody knows that. But like, why?

Currently, I have 3 piercings between my 2 ears (oh yes, asymmetry is suuuuuper hip) and I used to have fringe bangs. I feel very cool about that, but I also know that the very awesome ability to wear earrings just means that I paid someone a lot of money to pierce my flesh with a needle and then I spent some painful months twisting the metal around the newly formed bloody hole so that I could make the totally unnatural hole stay open permanently. WHAT. And fringe bangs! Well, let me just say this. They look good for like 30 seconds (which is shorter than the length of time my hot drinks stay hot without a mug warmer). You have to trim them all the time, and comb them, and if you ever step outside on a windy day -- or just move your head at all -- they will be blown away and they will look crazy. If you cut them like a centimeter too short, you look a fool, and when they're grown out a centimeter, you've got millions of tiny hairs just stabbing you in the eyes all day. Disgusting. (Unless you buy these, omg: Fashion Girls New Clip-On Front Neat Bang Fringe Hair Extensions)

On the other hand, fanny packs. They're light, they conveniently free up your hands, and they are harder to rob than backpacks and purses. And mug warmers? See above.

So haha. I will probably continue to like my earrings and think fringe bangs are great. I just also feel like it is a funny thing that I do. Let me end this post with a short list of more cool and uncool things that you should really think about.

WHY are these things cool?
drawing in your eyebrows
camelbak water bottles (seriously, that straw that you can never ever wash...)
rain kissing

Why don't people like these more?
wearing knee + elbow pads while roller blading
roller blading
dino nuggets

Except for hipsters.

Stay cool,