Thursday, August 11, 2011

At the end of the yellow brick road..

The plane landed yesterday at approximately 12:30 p.m. in Detroit, Michigan.

God gave me a very special welcome-home present. The weather was perfect. The sky is so blue, the air is so fresh, the grass is so green, the clouds are so white. You know, the whole shindig.

When I arrived home yesterday, at 178 Easton Dr. of South Lyon, Michigan, I felt so happy. It was almost kind of weird. Like, I couldn't even explain what I was so happy and giddy about.

But I will say this: I absolutely marveled at the size of everything in my house, including the actual house. Especially my refrigerator. I'm serious. I must have the world's most enormous fridge. I couldn't get over it. I just stared at it and opened and closed it, then opened and closed it again. Also, I took my socks off and walked around on my carpet, which has never felt so soft. (I haven't stepped on carpet in three months). And I don't think I have ever been so happy to see the ready supply of microwave popcorn in my cupboard.. along with the large unopened bag of Lay's ketchup chips waiting for my arrival, which Felix and I gladly finished off in a few hours.

And oh my God. My bed.

With the combination of intense jet lag (on top of an all-nighter the day before) and my own bed and blanket, I don't think I have ever had such a good night's sleep.

So, in conclusion, to quote Dorothy, "there's no place like home."


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